Explore the doTERRA Possibilities

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO CREATE MORE OF IN YOUR LIFE? Freedom? And if yes then why? So you can drop off and pick up your kids from school? Be at home with your family more? Have more time for self care and creativity? Do you dream of traveling the world with your family...

Respect Your Essential Oils: Safety Guide

By Marsha Dimalanta dōTERRA essential oil wellness advocate Essential oils are highly concentrated, volatile plant compounds that need to be handled with extreme care. They should be stored away from heat & light, but especially away from a child’s reach at all...

The Benefits of Essential Oil Nasal Inhalers

Hello Friends! Hope you are staying cool and hydrated and creating fun memories with loved ones this summer. Check out The Benefits of Essential Oil Nasal Inhalers and go crazy dropping your favorite doTERRA essential oils in them. Nasal Inhalers are a portable tool...

Merry Christmas from My Family To Yours!

Hello Friends and Family! Hope that you are all filled with the joy of Christmas and hope for the New Year. For me, this article God Came Down pretty much sums up why we celebrate Christmas. It is not so much about the food and gifts but how God came down from heaven...